I'm Still Here!

I just wanted to share a quick post to let you all know that I'm still here!  I got everything moved into my new place, but I still have a TON of unpacking to do!  I am also STILL without a computer!  I'm working on it, but it looks like it may be early next month before I have one.  It's a bummer, but I'm super excited about the plans I'm making and will be sharing when I come back!  Here's something pretty I put together today that represents the direction I'd like to take myself and the beginnings of new things :)  More to come soon!

 photo xoxomindi_zpse464302f.jpg


  1. I was wondering where you got to! Looking forward to your return.

  2. YAY! glad you are still here :) can't wait to read your latest movie reviews! and your mixed media piece is awesome :)

  3. cool collage. good luck with the unpacking!

  4. Glad to see you're back for a minute! c;
    I love the illustration. c:

